Saturday, December 14, 2013

Why Skin Care Important

Why Skin Care Important

We all know that skin is the largest organ of our body protecting us from every kind infection caused by microorganisms. You do get like any other organ get skin diseases which are caused either by metabolic imbalance or by infections from microorganisms. These diseases are treated by medications which are either taken orally or commodious topically with effective results. But the effective results from these treatments depend mainly on proper diagnosis of the diseases.
Apart from the two types accustomed chief, there is greater type of skin problem which actually is not a illness. These are called scars which are reclusive behind by either a cured sickness or resulted from some type of trauma. Many methods of cure claimed to be effective in treating these scars are available. But there are no proper researches done on effectiveness of these methods. In some countries, plastic surgeons and cosmetic surgeons often decline to work on some types of scars and instead direct the considerate to cosmetic concealing makeup beauticians and / or counseling mechanical.
Skin also suffers from what is called stretch marks. Stretch marks are of different kind of scars which are formed in the inner layers of the skin as a finish of rupture and collagen formation. Treating stretch marks is more difficult that treating normal scars in that they form in the inner layer of the skin. Like most of the scar formed, stretch marks besides sometimes disappear spontaneously. But if they are in futile, should be treated using different methods of treatment. Skin creams do prevent stretch marks effectively by making the skin more soft and elastic in one's thing for better stretching preventing rupture and as a proceeds preventing stretch marks. But it may be difficult to treat stretch marks effectively once they have formed.
The skin creams which are actually topical medications for treating skin diseases are to be prescribed by a physician after proper diagnosis. But for general health of the skin with a better texture, pacific, and glow and for general day to day perpetuation of the skin, there are over the counter skin creams available largely using chemical ingredients which are supposed to have good effects on skin.
Most of the people omit that skin is a good absorber and there are medications inured through skin patches for recreation through skin. Nicotine is addicted through nicotine skin patches when someone is undergoing baking bereavement treatments. This relevance of chemicals by skin excitable many people who are not ready to use harsh chemicals and high to skin creams which use natural organic ingredients. I am one of them and my personal preference is for skin infections and other diseases I consult my doctor. But for general health of my skin, I elevate natural organic skin creams.
For stretch marks, my doctor was of not much help and for I and my friends depend on other available methods of prevention and theraoeutic. For some most of us stretch marks creams were effective in prevention but not for theraoeutic though some of us had a little benefit from stretch marks creams.
Cosmetic surgery for stretch marks is an invasive procedure and I would elevate to cooperate crucial and seeing if treatments with less risk and cheaper like microdermabrasion, chemical peeling, or derma roller methods before going for a appreciated cosmetic surgery procedure.

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