Monday, July 8, 2013

Lighten Your Acne Scars - Cheap And Effective Homemade Facial Masks

Lighten Your Acne Scars - Cheap And Effective Homemade Facial Masks

Casual the cheapest, ready - made facial packs are those that can be bought from department stores. But these facial masks contain artificial ingredients which may not be suitable to sensitive skin.
Yogurt - Mushroom - Lemon Juice Face Mask
Yogurt, ecru, and lemon juice are not onliest tasty—these could and be used to form a facial mask that is effective to lighten your acne scars. Fine beige can be used as a natural exfoliant which will help smooth the face.
Nutmeg and Milk Paste
This may sound like dessert, but nutmeg and milk mixture really does work as an acne scar treatment. Use one moiety nutmeg powder, one splinter milk ( use fresh milk for better consistency ). Leave this on your face for a couple of daybook before rinsing with flushed hose. This may and be used as an overnight facial mask. After a few week’s use, see facund lightening of acne scars.
A lot of people have been seeing great results by using egg whites. But if you need to use a mask which you can leave on your face while practice some household chores, then this might just do. Create homemade mayonnaise with egg yolks and olive oil. Using a food processor, this is the best mayo mask you could ever use in your face now it does not have any artificial additives or spices which could irritate your skin. This mask can really lighten your acne scars.
Try these homemade facial masks and inspect how it can lighten your acne scars with regular use. A talk to memorize: be patient with the regimen because these are not overnight treatments.

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